How to save money grocery shopping

Not only are the gas prices going up, so are the groceries. So, how do you save money grocery shopping? Every penny matters so start collecting grocery coupons. You can organize the grocery coupons in a file and keep in handy for when you go grocery shopping.

First, you've got to have a plan. Write out a menu according to your budget. It is a good idea to spend only what is affordable. Use the debit card instead of the credit card because this will keep you from debt. When planning your menu, look out for grocery coupons you may be able to use. Save the grocery coupons and stick them in your purse or convenient location where you will not forget them before you go.

Grocery stores are designed so that the buyer can spend as much money as possible. To keep from spending money on items you do not need, it is important to make a list before you get to the grocery store. While shopping, stick to the list. Often grocery stores have grocery coupons near the front of the store. Take the time to look at the grocery coupons at different grocery stores. But, make sure you track the prices to see if you are getting the real deal.

Another way to save money is to look at the entire shelf. Items at eye level are usually the most expensive groceries. Make sure you look carefully before you put your item in the cart. Some grocery stores have grocery coupons on the shelf too.

For produce, go to the farmer's market. Fruit and vegetables are cheaper at a farmer's market. Plus, they're healthier too! Again, it does not hurt to check if you can get some grocery coupons for the produce. Every cent counts.

Do not go to the grocery store when you are hungry. When you are hungry, you are more likely to buy impulsively.

Monitor prices and buy when it is on sale. You can stock up on groceries that do not expire. Also, food like bread stays fresher in the freezer. When you need them, all you have to do is defrost.

With careful planning, avoiding impulse buying and grocery coupons saving money on groceries is possible.